How sect recruit new members?
Under the auspices of the European Federation of Centres for. Research and Information on Sects (FECRIS) on May 7 in Warsaw held an international conference on the problems of sects. The meeting Fri. “Systemic abuse in cults: testimonies and evidence” was attended by approx. 150 people, including representatives of European countries, the United States and Canada.
European Federation of Centres for. Research and Information on Sects was founded in France in 1994. This international organization brings together organizations from 40 countries that work to prevent the activity of sects. Polish representative in FECRIS is the Movement for the Defence family and Units (Rorije). Since 2010 FECRIS is a party to the Forum on the Rights of the European Union.
On Tuesday (May 10) at. 15.30 In an interview with Radio Niepokalanów Anna Łobaczewska, President Rorije tell you, among others, about how the sect recruiting new members.
In contrast, in the chair. 18.30 on issues related to the activities of sects say FECRIS chairman Tom Sackville, a former Minister of Health in the UK and Georges Fenech representative of the French Government Affairs. Combat sects.