How Cults are Infiltrating World Institutions

Acts of the conference

How Cults are Infiltrating World Institutions

17 April 2010

 at the Millennium Mayfair Hotel, 44 Grosvenor Square, London W1K2HP

organised by



Supported by the French Government


Tom Sackville, President of FECRIS and of The Family Survival Trust (UK):

Opening of the conference


Audrey Chaytor, The Family Survival Trust (UK):

“Thirty years experience in helping families to survive the trauma of cult involvement: a history of the struggle by FAIR and The Family Survival Trust”


Georges Fenech, President of Miviludes [1] (France):

“Promoting a European programme of vigilance and struggle against cultic excesses”


Masoud Banisadr (UK):

Cults and terrorism


André Frédéric, Federal deputy of the Chamber of Representatives and Chairman o the working group charged with ensuring the follow-upof the parliamentary borad of inquiry on ”cults/sects” (Belgium):

Awareness of the phenomenon in Belgium”  [2]


Caterina Boschetti, Author and Journalist, Maurizio Alessandrini, president of FA.VIS, and  Paolo Doppieri, Film Director  (Italy):

”The Development in Italy from the Black Book on Cults to the Nepenthes Project”  [3]



Tatiana Karpacheva, Associate Profesor of Philology at the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Russia):

Infiltration of Scientology into the Russian system of education


Philippe Dutilleul, journalist with RTBF [4] (Belgium):

Film about the investigation on the death of Nathalie de Reuck’s mother, who, under the influence of pseudo therapists, refused medical treatment

Nathalie De Reuck [5] (Belgium):

My Mother’s Story


Daniel Picotin, lawyer at the Bordeaux Bar (France):

“Examination of the difficulties of an international affaire spanning South West France and Oxford, during which a French guru was arrested in Switzerland whilst a whole family under his influence lived in reclusion for 8 years then, ended up ruined, in Oxford”


[1] Mission Interministérielle de Vigilance et de Lutte contre les Dérives Sectaires – Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Struggle against Cultic Excesses (Paris)

[2] “Broyeurs de consciences: l’évolution des sectes en Belgique”, André Frédéric, 18 02 2010, éditions Luc Pire

[3] Il Libro Nero delle Sette in ItaliaCaterina Boschetti, 2007, Newton Compton Ed.

[4] Radio Télévision belge francophone

[5] “On a tué ma mère”, Nathalie De Reuck, Philippe Dutilleul, Editions Buchet-Chastel, 2010