Cults in the era of Covid-19
Saturday 25 September 2021
L’Athénée municipal
Place Saint Christoly, 33 000 Bordeaux – France
Organised by the
European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on
Cults and Sects (FECRIS)
Presentation of the day’s programme – Ms Danièle Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS (Switzerland)
Welcome by Jean-Louis Amelineau, President of Info-Sectes Aquitaine (CCMM) (France)
Speech by the Mayor of Bordeaux
Jean-Pierre Jougla, lawyer, member of the Administrative Council of FECRIS and President of the scientific committee of FECRIS (France)
Does the virus have cultic/sectarian characteristics?
Thierry Ripoll – Professor of psychology at the University of Aix-Marseille, author of “Pourquoi croit-on – Psychologie des croyances” Accent aïgu 2020 (France) (Why do we believe? Psychologies of beliefs)
Genesis and development of extreme or cultic/sectarian beliefs
Jean-Loup Adenor and Timothée de Rauglaudre, journalists, co-authors of the investigation “Le nouveau péril sectaire” (The new cultic/sectarian peril) to be published by Robert Laffont in October 2021 (France)
Ms Hanène Romdhane, magistrate, Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de de lutte contre les dérives sectaires (ministère de l’Intérieur) (France)
Luigi Corvaglia, psychologist, author of “No guru. Le sette e i loro difensori” “No Guru-Cults and their apologists”. Assoc. Cesap (Italy)
Pandemonium, cyber cults/sects and digital fascism
Closure of the meeting by Ms Danièle Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS (Switzerland)