Deliberately planned and encouraged confusion between cults and religion
Acts of the European Conference
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Radisson BLU Hotel Marseille,
Vieux Port 38-40 Quai Rive Neuve, 13007 Marseille, France
organised by the
European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects
GEMPPI[1] – Sectes: aide, information, prévention
Daniele Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS (Switzerland -Representative in the CoE)
Rudy Salles, MP and member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe (France)
Didier Pachoud, président du GEMPPI, co-organising association, (France)
Serge Blisko, President of MIVILUDES, (Office of the Prime Minister – France).
Bertrand Chaudet, (CCMM, France)
The collective of victims of psycho-spiritual excesses
Friedrich Griess (GSK, Austria) and XXXX (France)
Testimonials about Smith Friends (ACFF[3])
Alexey Voat, researcher (CSR, Russian Federation)
The Aum Shinrikyo cult’s proselytizing on the Internet – Presentation
Franceline James, Psychiatrist (Switzerland)
Jean-Pierre Jougla, lawyer (UNADFI, France).
Concerted and deliberate confusion between cult and religion
Anne Edelstam, journalist, (FRI, Sweden)
Olivier Faelens, (President SAS Sekten, Belgium)
Cults or religions, a misleading debate
Pierre Le Coz, Director Department Social Science, Faculty of Medicine (University Aix-Marseilles[4])
The emotional pivot point between religion and cult
Joni Valkila, (UUT, Finland)
Dr. Janja Lalich, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology, California State University, Chico (United States)
Perspectives on U.S. Cult – Related Court Cases
Danièle Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS, accompanied b David Clark, representive of FECRIS at the UN (United States)
[1] Groupe d’Etude des Mouvements de Pensée en vue de la Protection de l’Individu, Marseill
[2] Resolution 1992 (2014). The protection of minors against excesses of sects
[3] Association Chrétienne de France et des pays Francophones
[4] Espace éthique méditerranéen & UMR 7268 « ADES », auteur de « Le gouvernement des émotions et l’art de déjouer les manipulations », Albin
Michel 2014