Deliberately planned and encouraged confusion between cults and religion

Acts of the European Conference

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Radisson BLU Hotel Marseille,

Vieux Port 38-40 Quai Rive Neuve, 13007 Marseille, France



organised by the

European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects




GEMPPI[1] – Sectes: aide, information, prévention




Daniele Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS (Switzerland -Representative in the CoE)

Thematic approach through the spectrum of FECRIS’ experience in the Council of Europe, OSCE, FRA and UN


Rudy Salles, MP and member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Council of Europe (France)

Analysis of the situation that led to the failure of Rudy Salles’ report on “excesses of sects” in the Council of Europe [2] (read by Danièle Muller-Tulli)


Didier Pachoud, président du GEMPPI, co-organising association, (France) 

Introduction of the topic        


Serge Blisko,  President of MIVILUDES, (Office of the Prime Minister – France).



Bertrand Chaudet, (CCMM, France)

The collective of victims of psycho-spiritual excesses


Friedrich Griess (GSK, Austria) and XXXX (France)

Testimonials about Smith Friends (ACFF[3])


Alexey Voat, researcher (CSR, Russian Federation)

The Aum Shinrikyo cult’s proselytizing on the InternetPresentation


Franceline James, Psychiatrist (Switzerland)

Cults and religions: false gods. How should we consider an approach which claims to be religious and leads to a psychitrist’s couch?


Jean-Pierre Jougla, lawyer (UNADFI, France).

Concerted and deliberate confusion between cult and religion


Anne Edelstam, journalist, (FRI, Sweden)



Olivier Faelens, (President SAS Sekten, Belgium)

Cults or religions, a misleading debate



Pierre Le Coz, Director Department Social Science, Faculty of Medicine (University Aix-Marseilles[4])

The emotional pivot point between religion and cult


Joni Valkila, (UUT, Finland)

The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ internal judicial system as a human rights problem – efforts to draw attention to the problem in Finland



Dr. Janja Lalich, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology, California State University, Chico (United States)

Perspectives on U.S. Cult – Related Court Cases


Danièle Muller-Tulli, President of FECRIS, accompanied b David Clark,  representive of FECRIS at the UN (United States)

Conclusions and closure


[1] Groupe d’Etude des Mouvements de Pensée en vue de la Protection de l’Individu, Marseill

[2] Resolution 1992 (2014). The protection of minors against excesses of sects

[3] Association Chrétienne de France et des pays Francophones

[4] Espace éthique méditerranéen & UMR 7268 « ADES », auteur de « Le gouvernement des émotions et l’art de déjouer les manipulations », Albin
Michel 2014